Finding New Songs.....
A month ago I wrote about singing God’s song in a strange land. We lamented could we sing. Almost a month later, the land isn’t so strange. We’re more used to how it rises and flows from hills to valleys, optimism to depression...we are learning to navigate and maintain some equilibrium. Trips to the store become ‘outings’, to be done only when seriously necessary; in an effort to ensure no one gets infected by us and we don’t pick up something, we mask and glove. Gardening is at an all time high, as the weather improves. We can get outside the house and some of the pressure is lifted. For those of us who are lucky and privileged, that is. Life is a little restricted....but not enough to cause an issue. And then there’s the ignorant white privilege which thinks freedom means it has the right to put others at risk. And force its own way. Then we start to look at the not so,privileged. It’s not new. It’s been around since the Civil War. For awhile, with the abolit...